1 important lesson that saves most arguments
Ah. The pressure to be the ‘hot, confident, playful guy who has his shit together’. I’ve had so many male clients share the SAME pressures & insecurities, that I really wanted to capture it in ONE PLACE -so you can read this and be like OMG. I’m not alone.
What Dating is like for Men
Ah. The pressure to be the ‘hot, confident, playful guy who has his shit together’. I’ve had so many male clients share the SAME pressures & insecurities, that I really wanted to capture it in ONE PLACE -so you can read this and be like OMG. I’m not alone.
A vulnerable story from me today
“I want to have sex with someone but my partner feels uncomfortable about it. What do I do?” 🍆👩🏽🤝👨🏼 Perhaps reading this will put words to things you experience (even if you're monogamous). Or perhaps you'll learn a thing or two about processing jealousy, hard emotions & conflicting needs….. in any case, I hope it's valuable! 🫶🏻🤓
How to make casual sex work for you
I hear so many challenges around not feeling respected, not knowing how to be clear about your casual interest, fear of getting “emotionally involved” and complicating things or fear of coming across as creepy so you avoid expressing interest. Let’s start paving a relationship to casual sex that is easeful, playful, and clear.
Why I’m so great at flirting
I always wondered why people came to me for flirting advice. I had no friggin clue what I was doing. What was my secret sauce? 🍔 God knows, so I set out to consciously learn.
The “taking too long” myth
It’s no secret, that many wom*n have faked orgasms, because they feel a great amount of anxiety to orgasm in a timely manner. ⏱
How my need for freedom ruined my….
One of my stories is: “The world can’t handle me”. And like all stories we internalise, I am subconsciously seeking to confirm this truth everywhere. Ew.
How to Revive Your Sex Life
SUCH a classic story, right? You meet your partner, you have an incredible sex life and then suddenly you realise: you’re just barely having sex anymore.
I don’t know what I want in sex
We're all so busy guessing what the other person wants, BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU? People think consent is something we have to give/get from other people. However consent starts with us. Do we listen to the inner voice that says YES, NO or I DON'T KNOW?
Erotic Block for Men 👉🏼 Predatory Fear 😳
Men place a LOT of emphasis on their partner’s response to know if they are hurting or pleasing.
He thinks: "nothing turns me on more than to see her turned on". Why? Because if she's turned on, he knows he is not hurting. He knows he is not being predatory.